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文章来源:  中国云计算 发布时间: 2014年05月24日   浏览: 1840   作者:中国云计算

Competition and Cooperation Among Providers in a Cloud-of-Clouds Environment

Tram Truong-Huu and Chen-Khong Tham

This paper tackles these two issues of the current cloud market. First, we solve the problem of competition among providers and propose a dynamic price policy. We employ a discrete choice model to describe the user&rsquos choice behavior based on his obtained benefit value. The choice model is used to derive the probability of a user choosing to be served by a certain provider. The competition among providers is formulated as a non-cooperative stochastic game where the players are providers who act by proposing the price policy simultaneously. The game is modelled as a Markov Decision Process whose solution is a Markov Perfect Equilibrium.


